Author: WHSadmin

Ephemeral Objects

Euphemeral Objects by Wendy Lowry The word “ephemeral” relates to items that are short lived or transitory in nature. I have come into the possession of an euphemeral object of a Train Timetable for June 1949. This Timetable is for Melbourne to Keon Park , Thomastown and vice a versa. In 1949 there were first and second class fares available...

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Dyson’s Bus Company

Dyson’s Moving with the Times by Wendy Lowry. As part of the Whittlesea Cultural Heritage Program in October 2017, Dyson’s Bus Company allowed a rare opportunity to go behind the scenes and learn more about this iconic local, Australian family owned  and operated business. The family business started out  in Melbourne’s north in 1952, beginning in Reservoir and East Preston....

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Drystone Walls

By Wendy Lowry abridged from an article by Robert Wuchatsch The City of Whittlesea adopted in 1991 a Heritage study that saw some of the drystone walls protected under the City’s planning scheme. However much greater effort is required to identify and record our heritage walls, especially in an area where increasing residential development is seeing many of them disappear....

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Cheers and Beers

By Wendy Lowry and John Waghorn The origins of Pubs and Hotels are often a forgotten aspect of local History. It seems strange because the hotel is looked upon as a hub venue in any town. People congregate there to gossip, to bet and certainly to relax and tell stories. The City of Whittlesea has many old Pubs and Hotels...

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Donnybrook Cemetery

Part of the Whittlesea Cultural and Heritage Program saw a tour of the Donnybrook Cemetery which was conducted  and led by Historian David Weatherill. On the 10th September 1857 a request was made to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Victoria for land to be set aside for a proposed Cemetery at Donnybrook. Following this request and a favourable response from...

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Castle Hill Farm

The Castle Hill farm was originally owned by John Bear who had bought the land on the 24th November 1842, under a “Deed of Grant Purchase”. Section 20, Parish of Yan Yean, County of Bourke, lot 52 consisted of approximately 932 acres. John Bear died in 1851 and in 1855 John’s son, Thomas Hutchings Bear entered an indenture under which...

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Caretaker’s House at Yan Yean Reservoir

By Lindsay Mann This article intends using existing Documentation to discover when the brick section of the Caretaker’s House at Yan yean Reservoir was built and occupied. Meredith Gould in her 1991 Whittlesea heritage Study speculated that the oldest or masonry section of the building known as the Caretaker’s Cottage may have been designed by James Blackburn. This is entirely...

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Bridge Inn Hotel Archaeological Dig

Heritage Victoria has undertaken yet another excavation site along the Plenty River  and within the Plenty Gorge Park. It stemmed from historical investigations carried out as part of the Mernda Rail Extension. This dig site however was to solve the mystery of the whereabouts of the original Bridge Inn Hotel which was one of the earliest buildings  constructed outside Melbourne ...

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