My Kitchen Table Talk
My Kitchen Table Talk
By Margaret Mann
On Sunday 10 June, the Whittlesea Historical Society held the event “My Kitchen Table Talk” in the old Wollert Uniting Church, at the historic Carome Homestead at Mernda.
In this beautifully restored old building, there were tables set out for attendees to place their old, treasured kitchen items, that were used in times gone by and to share the family memories of occasions when they were used. During the time of audience participation, we heard some interesting stories and reminiscences, and in some cases, we had trouble guessing the purpose of some items as such an eclectic collection was displayed.

No-one was able to recognise the item on one of the tables that was not used in the kitchen. It was a set of scales which was used to weigh a baby at home. In the days before Infant Welfare Centres, it was usual to weigh the baby at home to make sure that the baby was feeding and developing as they should.
The raffle was drawn and the society wishes to thank the Whittlesea Bowls Club, The Good Guys, and Willow House and Décor for their generosity in donating the prizes.
We concluded the day at Carome with more chatter and sharing of memories during a delicious afternoon tea of coffee and cake in the homestead.
Thank you to all who brought items to show, and participated, discussed, and answered questions as to how things used to be in the “good old days.” Our thanks also go to our generous donors of the raffle prizes, and especially to Carome, for allowing us to hold a most enjoyable event in such a beautiful setting.